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Director of publication: Kimberley BILLIET-PRADES

This site is published by: COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB

Address: 483 Rue du Plantret 73120 COURCHEVEL 1850    

Telephone: +33 (0)    

E-mail address:

Siret number: in the process of delivery

Share capital: 1000 euros    

APE code: 9311Z corresponding to the activity Sports facilities management



The realization of the site is realized by WIX and Estelle Roméo 

 The site is hosted by the WIX provider, Inc.

Address: 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158

Telephone: +1 415 639 9034



All intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, relating to the general structure of the website relating to COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB as well as to the texts, images, animated or not, photographs, sound and any other element composing the website relating to COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB remain the exclusive property of COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB, subject to the elements protected by an intellectual property right and belonging to a third party.     


The information available on the websites may only be used for strictly personal purposes. Any commercial or non-commercial use, in particular any downloading, copying, reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, diffusion, adaptation, translation or representation in whole or in part of the website by any current or future means and process on any current or future medium without prior written authorisation from COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB, is prohibited and may give rise to legal proceedings, in particular for counterfeiting, punishable under Articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, subject to the application of Article L. 122-5 of said Code. This prohibition applies regardless of the process of reproduction, representation and/or modification, and regardless of the duration.    


Any authorised use of the elements composing or appearing on the website and belonging to COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB must be made without any distortion, modification or alteration whatsoever. Any use of a similar or identical sign to designate identical or similar products and/or services is prohibited without the express prior authorization of COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB.    



During your visits to the COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB website, we may ask you for certain information about you in order to be able to identify you or offer you personalised services and to listen to you. 


Personal data (surnames, first names, postal details, e-mail, etc.) or non-nominal data may be requested from you, in particular when you request contact via the COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB website.    


COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB can send you a newsletter on the latest news of COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB. At any time you can request to no longer receive this type of information by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose in each newsletter you receive.     


Some information about you will have to be provided in order for you to access the service in question. Mandatory information is indicated by an asterisk.    



As part of the services offered by COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB is required to collect personal data concerning you for the performance of this contract and only for this purpose.     


COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB treats this information with the utmost confidentiality. The user is informed, in accordance with Article 32 of the amended "Data Protection Act" of 6 January 1978, that the information he provides, in particular through the Internet form on the COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB website, is necessary to respond to his requests and is intended for COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB, as the data controller, for administrative and commercial management purposes. 


COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB undertakes not to transmit this information to any third party (the information communicated by the user is exclusively used by COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB in the context of the implementation of the contract), unless the user gives his express consent, in particular in the event of the purchase of services offered by a COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB partner. In the latter case, the user acknowledges that this data will be transmitted to the partner concerned in order to process the user's request.     


COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB keeps this information until the user requests to delete his account. In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedom of information,

Any user has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose any personal data concerning him/her. To exercise this right, send your request by e-mail to COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB at the following address:


COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB considers personal information such as the name, address, e-mail, telephone number of the user, as private and confidential information. 




The hypertext links on the site directing users to other websites do not engage the responsibility of COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB for the content of these sites. 


As soon as the user is redirected to a website published by a third party, the latter's general terms and conditions of sale apply, excluding the general terms and conditions of sale of COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB. The establishment of links to our site does not require authorization. COURCHEVEL SKI CLUB disclaims all liability in this case.



@Julianripoll @Arnaud

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